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Color Details - The Andara Anthology

The Monatomic Andara Crystal Anthology

Monatomics: the Exotic Nature of Esoteric Matter

Source, Spirituality & Resonant Awakening

Videos, Testimonies & Everything Else

The Color Properties of Andara Crystals, Details, Photo Galleries & Stories 

“I am the Sovereign Flame, I radiate the deepest amethyst vibration into the violet stream of universal be-ing.  I am the now

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This is a true story, only the names have been changed for privacy. Earlier this year, a customer who has shopped and

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“I am The Avatar, the pure “Blue Ray” from the depths of your be-ing.  I am the now and presence of wisdom, 

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Aloha Everyone, I have just gotten 3 more “Lemurian Etherium Gold” Andara crystals and here are some photos. This color of Monatomic

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Photographing Andara crystals is always an adventure, as I never really know what I will get in terms of color or what

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True Monatomic Andara crystals everywhere have literally lit up with new bands of photon electromagnetic energy.  This new band of photon energies,

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Desert Rose Andara is a new color that has just revealed itself, painted in clear light pink with beige / peach /

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Aloha Everyone, Here is the newest colored Monatomic Andara to be named, “Dynamic Heliodor”. This color of Monatomic Andara crystal has chosen

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  Aloha Everyone, I have a new color of Andara that I have had on my eBay webstore and soon to the Life’s

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Aloha Everyone, Here is the newest colored Monatomic Andara, a rare and powerful Raspberry HGW Pink Andara crystal. I only have 1

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New – Old discovery or Re-Discovery During our move, I uncovered many more Andara crystals that had been misplaced over the years.

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 Sovereign Amethyst Monatomic Andara Crystal    This color of Monatomic Andara crystal has chosen the name Sovereign Amethyst. Sovereign: Exceptional in quality, extremely

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Aloha Everyone, I recently received what I now call Violet Sovereign Amethyst Andara. It is a clear Amethyst to Violet that shifts into

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More Coming Soon. . .

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