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Aloha Andara Crystals

Mark & Linda 

The Andara crystal Experts

"Aloha embodies the deeply held and profound spirituality & wisdom

of over a millennium (1000 years) of Hawaiian history"

Mark Naea

Andara Crystals First Magical Years 2002 – 2005 Updated

As the Thanksgiving Holiday approaches, I am reminded of the first magical years before Andara crystals became well known. It was a time of sharing, of expanded possibilities and the gift of friendship.

Linda and I will always be thankful to all who made those years so special – the people and the Andara crystals. We have much to give thanks for, and by sharing these memories, may the joy and magic of that time touch all who read them.

It was that summer, 2002, when the first Andara walked into our store. A new customer walked into our newly open store with a green pendant that was glowing with energy. I asked about it and was told it was an Andara crystal.

I had never heard of it and asked if she could tell me more. Peggy said it was a rather recent find and a powerful source of light energy and healing.

I asked Peggy if she had any for sale, and she replied that she only had a few for trade if I was interested. I knew instinctively that we had to have them in the store, so I traded for a handful of small green Andara crystals.

A few days later, a jeweler stopped by to offer her pendants and necklaces for us to carry. As Linda was looking over her inventory, I was told by one of the newly acquired Andara crystals that I keep near our register, that I needed to gift one of them to the jeweler.

So I walked up to the jeweler and said, “I was told that this was for you” and handed the crystal to her.

She immediately replied, “Is that an Andara crystal?”

I replied, “Yes, do you know anything about them?”

She said that they were very powerful and rare. The jeweler was very excited, as she had always wanted a piece exactly like the one I gifted her. In fact, she commented that this would be the perfect store to help spread them around the world.

She then said, “I know the rep for Lady Nellie and here’s his phone number. His name is Bob.” I thanked her and immediately made a phone call.

I called Bob and told him about our store and the synchronicity of how all of the people just walked into our store, from out of the blue. I asked him if he had any Andara crystals I could purchase from him. Not only did he have them, but he was coming to Kauai in a week.

It was like the Andara crystals knew that in order to get to a larger audience, they needed what Linda and I had created on a small island in the middle of the Pacific ocean.

Within a weeks’ time they were part of the unique inventory there. It was at this time that we learned of Lady Nellie, the good works that she was doing in her community, and the need for support of those efforts.


We worked directly with Lady Nellie and her family of friends and supporters. We learned of the many awards that Lady Nellie received over the years for her tireless service to others. But at age 83, she was on a fixed income while trying to support her extended family.

At the time, Lady Nellie was raising several grandchildren. She felt it her duty to impress upon her children and grandchildren the importance of having an education. You see, Lady Nellie never finished school due to a childhood illness and knew firsthand its value.

In 2002, there was very little known about Andara crystals, their properties or mineralogical makeup. Linda and I were only told a brief history of their discovery and given a transcript of a channeled session. We were told that they were great metaphysical healers with a wide variety of anecdotal accounts of such.

But I knew that there was much more to it. So for the next 12 months, I applied my specialty of intuitive and source guided research. I was introduced to many of the first circle of Lady Nellie’s friends and supporters. I had the privilege to interview many of them by phone, but other than testimonials, no new leads were uncovered.

At the same time, we were able to share this wonderful discovery with many who visited our store. The energy of the Andara crystals was such that we just could not keep them in stock. Even though they were kept in a drawer, they managed to appear at just the right moment.

Like clockwork, we sent a check to Lady Nellie once a month from the sales of her magical crystals. This was a windfall for Lady Nellie, as she was now able to meet her family’s needs in the most simple of things we normally take for granted.

Lady Nellie could not read or write, but was able to dictate her thank you letters to Linda and I with the help of a friend. She also sent us gift Andara crystals to show her appreciation and gratitude. It was at this time that we were told of the poverty she was dealing with and how the proceeds we sent were a godsend.

As I continued interviewing the inner circle, I was guided to Patrick Bailey who had the soil from the location of the Andara crystals analyzed. The part that Patrick played would take an entire chapter to cover and I have written about it previously. Suffice to say, Patrick and the information that he uncovered was the key to the mystery of the Andara crystal’s metaphysical properties.

Not very many people knew of Patrick at that time, as he was a research scientist more than a meta-physician. When I finally got to interview him, I was greeted with a professional perspective and an open heart. Patrick shared his story of meeting Lady Nellie with me, and how divine circumstance completed his puzzle and mine also.

I shared with Patrick what I had put together in my research and how his discovery tied it all together. Patrick was impressed with all that had been uncovered, and asked if he could send people who were asking him about Andara crystals my way. I said I would be honored to help in any way.

More than six months had passed by then, and the Andara crystals continued to do well at the store. The very basics of modern life were again a part of Lady Nellie’s family. Her washing machine had died a while ago, but now she could replace it. And when her refrigerator died, the funds were there to purchase a new one. The stress of a house full of aging and failing appliances was no longer a constant worry.

My search with source’s help had now led me to the cornucopia of discoveries. There was a lot of reading and scientific research to ingest and correlate to the known anecdotal stories shared with me. It took little over a month to complete this task. It was now the summer of 2003.

In this one years’ time, Lady Nellie’s financial status had completely turned around. It was a complete joy for us to work with the Andara crystals and support Lady Nellie. Linda and I received a letter of special thanks, as Lady Nellie named us the “King and Queen of Andara crystals of Kauai.”

Having completed my research, all of it was in my head. I would repeat it to customers and my staff as needed. I explained to my staff that hearing this info was far more powerful and informative than reading it. They tried to remember it all, but were never able to do it as well as myself. They knew from working with me that I could recall pages of information on demand.

I shared this discovery with Lady Nellie and the people who I had interviewed. Most had never heard of Patrick Bailey or his discovery. None knew the importance of this and how what he discovered was key to the mystery of the Andara crystal’s metaphysical properties. Lady Nellie, her friends and supporters were completed blown away by this news, and asked me for a detailed report explaining it.

For months I put this off, as it was one thing to verbally repeat it with the correct structure of meaning for each person, but quite another for it to be translated to a coherent written format. All of the information I verbally recalled came from more than a dozen books and countless webpages of related materials. Throw in all of the anecdotal interviews and stories shared with me and the task at hand was quite daunting.

I was also guided to the fact that if this was in a written format, others may misuse it. But my staff, friends and the Andara crystals themselves prevailed upon me on how more people could be helped with this information.

With source as my guide, I wrote and re-wrote the Monatomic Andara Crystal document. The purpose of this research document was to present a clear and cohesive paper on Andara crystals, monatomic metals, their unique relationship and properties as well as their metaphysical history.

It was November 7, 2003 that I wrote the final version of “Monatomic Andara Crystals – Bridging Science, Metaphysics, and Healing.” It was a signature moment in the history of the Andara cycle, where a new healing modality was given birth. It was also the beginning of a new level of energy and light activation for these most magical crystals.

The research document I wrote, “Monatomic Andara Crystals – Bridging Science, Metaphysics, and Healing” exploded upon the consciousness of the metaphysical community. Literally thousands of copies were printed and given away. I gave Lady Nellie and a few of her trusted support circle permission to use it. In this way we could all help to support Lady Nellie financially.

The impact of this document changed everything and gave the metaphysical properties of Andara crystals legitimacy in the eyes of the public. As the copyright holder, the Andara crystals and source guided me to provide the free and wide distribution of this document for all to benefit.

Monatomic Andara crystals were now on the metaphysical map of powerful and important crystals. As word spread among the healing community, more and more people were discovering their light and magic.

By the summer of 2004, we had more than two thousand pounds of Monatomic Andara crystals on Kauai with hundreds of pounds at the store on display. Lady Nellie could now financially support her grandchildren with clothing and educational needs. She was even able to get them individual beds to sleep in that Christmas.

It was the fall of 2004 that Linda got a message from the Andara crystals about a new color that wanted to be found. She was shown a pink Andara, and that it was time for it to be discovered. We contacted Lady Nellie and she sent her boys up the mountain to find it. They returned empty handed.

Linda was still being guided by them to have these pink Andara crystals found, and we asked that the boys go back and look again. For the second time, none were found. Linda became adamant about finding them. As fall continued, the chances of the property becoming inaccessible increased.

Linda asked that they go up one more time, and asked them where they were looking. They described the area and mentioned a white powder trail. Linda immediately guided them to follow the monatomic powder and that it would lead them to the pinks that were up there.

The next day, we received a tired sounding but triumphant call from Bob telling us that they had found the Pink Andara crystals. This was the first new color of Andara to come off of Lady Nellies Land. Linda’s vision as given to her by the Pink Andara crystals was validated.

Who would have thought that a little shop in the middle of the Pacific Ocean would be a crossroads for the distribution of an esoteric metaphysical gem? Linda and I were blessed to be chosen by them as their ambassadors to the world. From this location, monatomic Andara crystals went to the four corners of the earth.

In 2005, Lady Nellie could count on a steady income from us. For our part, we got to share in the magic, joy and healing that the Andara crystals constantly provided. By this time we were working with several different people who helped support Lady Nellie. Due to the interviews I had done for the research document, I was also connected to many of the people who had collected large inventories from Lady Nellie over the years.

2005 was a year of both expansion and change. The legitimacy of Lady Nellie’s Andara discovery along with the “Monatomic Andara Crystals – Bridging Science, Metaphysics, and Healing” document cemented their place in the healing communities psyche.

It was a year pregnant with possibilities. 2005 became the year we welcomed our son Brennan, after 23 years of marriage. It also brought forth the birth of many new discoveries of Andara crystals. The landscape of the Andara community itself had now grown into a world spanning family. The Andara crystals with the reach of the Internet were to play a key role in the revolution that was to follow.

As 2005 ended, it marked the end of the first part of the Andara story. It was three years of light and expansion, intense change, new friendships and life changes with birth of our first child.[/st

Our store, our staff and the services it provided opened the gates of possibilities for countless people. The Andara crystals were now an established resident in the metaphysical world, helping and healing people all around the world.

Linda and I were blessed with this opportunity to serve, as were all who participated. It is with great humility and gratitude in our hearts for all involved. We will forever be thankful for the friendship, sharing and love that blossomed in those three short years.

As you pause and reflect on this holiday, take time to share the magic and light that you have been blessed with.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings & Light

Øm “not mark” & Linda

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