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Life's Treasures Kauai

Aloha Andara Crystals

Mark & Linda 

The spirit of Aloha

"Aloha embodies the deeply held and profound spirituality & wisdom

of over a millennium (1000 years) of Hawaiian history"

Mark Naea


I have been asked to compile a historical timeline by several customers who are new to Andara crystals.  As the Andara crystal expert, I have a unique relationship with the people and events that preceded the now common knowledge of the monatomic nature of Andara crystals.  Here’s the top ten:

1. Nellie Thompson known as “Lady Nellie”, a Choctaw Indian medicine woman, found the first monatomic crystal gemstone in 1969. It would be more than a decade before Nellie returned to harvest more.

2.  Allie Keith, a psychic healer who had dreams of a unknown but powerful green gemstone, visited Lady Nellie in the early 1980s and saw her vison confirmed by the monatomic crystal that Nellie had found.  Allie convinced Lady Nellie of the importance of her find and to return to the mountain to get more.

3. Simeon and Maia Nartoomid, akashic readers and channel, gave a reading on the monatomic crystals for Lady Nellie and a small circle of her closest supporters in the mid-1990s.  The name “Andara” for these crystals was channeled by them.

4. Randy Masters, a master teacher of many disciplines both scientific and metaphysical, recorded and had transcribed the channeled information. Randy made printed copies for the circle of healers and light workers to distribute with the Andara crystals.  As a vibrational sound master and scientist, Randy ran his own tests and found these new crystals to be completely new and unique in every way.


5. David Hudson is credited by most people in the field as being the originator of the term “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”, or by its acronym, ORME. After a decade of research David gave lectures in the mid-1990s on the results of his findings on monatomic elements in the mysterious white powder found on his Arizona ranch.

6. Patrick Bailey, a well-known nutritional research specialist, pioneered the revolutionary idea of superfoods that are combined with USP nutrients and herbs. Patrick attended one of David Hudson’s lectures on his discoveries and the mysterious white powder.

While researching the healing results reported to him by Lady Nellie in 1997, he obtained samples of both the herb and a white mineral deposit around which the herb grew.  Samples were sent to Dr. Tainio for electromagnetic analysis.  Additionally, the powder tested positive for the presence of monatomic elements.


7. Dr. Bruce Tainio, a soil expert known worldwide as well as an inventor and research scientist, tested a soil sample in 1997 sent to him by Patrick Bailey.  His lab specialized in electromagnetic analysis of organic compounds, equipment invented by Dr. Tainio. The lab reported that they had never encountered such an extraordinary substance with the presence of esoteric / first matter electromagnetic properties.  An Andara crystal was also tested with similar results.


8. Life’s Treasures opened its doors to the public on Oct. 1 2001 by the husband and wife team of Mark and Linda Naea. Its mission was to create an oasis of both spiritual healing and the opportunity for metaphysical exploration while expanding ones horizons. In that respect, Life’s Treasures Kauai was a success beyond all expectations.  It was from this tiny store in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that Nellie’s Andara crystals would explode onto the metaphysical scene and the world stage in less than a year.


9. Peggy Black, a Sacred Sound Salutarist, Spiritual Synergist, Multidimensional Channel, recording artist, world traveler and lecturer, walked into Life’s Treasurers in the summer of 2002.  She was on Kauai to do a healing conference, and just happened across Life’s Treasures.  Peggy was one of the light workers who supported Lady Nellie by introducing people to Andara crystals.  That day Peggy was wearing an Andara pendant glowing with energy.

Mark Naea upon seeing her enter the store immediately asked her “what is that stone you are wearing?”  Peggy replied “This is an Andara crystal.”  And just like that, a new bridge was formed for the still little known mystery crystal.  Within two weeks of that event, Life’s Treasures was in touch with Lady Nellie and began its relationship with her and these special crystals.


10. Mark Naea, Network Engineer, IT Analyst and Research Specialist, Intuitive Spiritual Guide, Crystal expert and now store owner, began his quest for answers on what made an Andara crystal so special.

From the summer of 2002 to the fall of 2003, he applied his unique specialty of intuitive and source guided research. Mark was introduced to many of the first circle of Lady Nellie’s friends and supporters and had the privilege to interview many of them by phone.

Person by person, he collected all of the disparate information and built a picture of the true uniqueness and underlying foundation that made Andara crystals what they are. From Lady Nellie to Randy Masters, Patrick Bailey to Bruce Tainio, David Hudson to quantum theories of monatomic elements, Lawrence Gardner’s research, books and countless webpages of related scientific and metaphysical materials, no stone was left unturned.

Mark’s two most special abilities are seeing how all of it was interconnected with the least bit of information and where to look next, along with the ability to recall any or all of it from memory.

Mark had collected and connected all the links, and based on this mountain of evidence, concluded that Andara crystals were monatomic, that monatomics is as old as humanity and that this secret was hidden in plain sight.

By this discovery, the floodgates of the ages was opened, as a tapestry of interwoven history and myth came together in a holographic ingram of 6th dimensional origami.

This was the secret of the Andara crystals that no one knew in 2003, the monatomic origins of Andara crystals.

There were many bridges that lead to the revelation of the origins of Monatomic Andara crystals. These crystals literally “broke the mold” when it came to defining them.  Their very nature cannot be placed in any mold, definition or description.

There were bridges of perception, experience, time, spirituality, intuition, myth, and divine inspiration.  The circle of people, places and timeframes stretched back to the furthest reaches of time, and into the limitless future.

All of the seemingly unrelated information and people came together as each took their place in the diorama, building itself before his eyes.

Divine science and quantum metaphysics merged in a paradox of contrary existences. From this dance, on November 7 2003, came the ground breaking document “Monatomic Andara Crystals – Bridging Science, Metaphysics, and Healing.”

This is the original document that set the Andara crystals on a world stage.  It has been copied the world over, used and misused, and its presence has changed everything we thought we knew on metaphysical definitions and properties.

Blessings & Light

Øm “not mark” & Linda

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