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E Komo Mai – Welcome To Our Home

from the Free eBook “Light of Be-ing


Be-ing – that which is without any states, beliefs or views, without self or ego, without effort or doing yet all is done, without knowledge or teaching yet all is revealed, “I am” without the I, ordinary yet not ordinary, different yet not different, that which is absolute in all forms and non-forms, without beginning or end.

“Looked for, it cannot be seen
Listened for, it cannot be heard
Felt, it cannot be touched”

“Its reflections are everywhere
It echoes resonate across the ages
And touches all that you are”



“There seem to be two kinds of searchers, those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. holy, happy, unselfish (as though you could make a fish un-fish) and those who understand that all such attempts are just gesticulation and play acting, that there is only one thing that can be done, which is to dis-identify themselves with the ego, by realizing its unreality, and by becoming aware of their eternal identity with pure being.”
Wei Wu Wei

The term Freedom means many different things to people, but at its core is choice. But is anyone truly free? Are you really free to choose, or is it like the old saying from history, “You can choose any color you want, as long as it is black”, Henry Ford on the Model T.

What about the freedom to be who you are, to choose your life’s path, without any pressures, rules or conditions. This too is an illusion, as one is constantly bombarded, blocked, obstructed and stressed from ones belief systems and from others belief systems.

So where is it that one can find, experience and be true freedom? Before you walked, you had to experience and be the essence of movement, from motivation to muscles to coordination. There were no belief systems to get in the way, no ego or self doubts, just doing without a self-doer. The idea of self was not yet formed, and its absence made all the difference in the world.

To be, realize and experience true freedom, one must explore the intrinsic nature, the essence of ego, self and beliefs. The ego is made up of the five senses and mind – minds screen. As you grew older, and more information elements were processed by ego, a self was cast.

Because ego by its very nature interprets reality with some form of imperfection, like a lens it casts that unfocused, ill-defined aberration and distortion as a shadow upon the minds screen. As this shadow appears in all of the information elements, the idea of a self is born.

As ego and mind interprets this shadow, the illusion of self takes shape. Though unable to be defined, beliefs begin to be attributed to it. It is at this point that ego and mind attaches to the illusion, the imperfection as ones self and not the reality of who you truly are.

It is in this way that we convince ourselves that our beliefs, world-view, no matter how unlikely or unconventional, is somehow more sane, natural, pragmatic, holy, or truthful than any others. It is nothing more than a prison, built upon the foundations of an illusion.

This is the fundamental core delusion, the belief in self and a self with belief systems. It is a prison without walls, a landscape of well defined and defended boundaries. The perfect paradox of the imperfect be-ing. Cast as the lead thespian, this illusional self and its beliefs spins its own web of misconceptions and assumptions as reality.

To be, realize and experience true freedom, one must look past the boundaries, question all beliefs, genuinely experience reality as it is, without bias or preconception, with Clarity, Insight and Be-ing as your guide posts.

Who you really are asks, “Can you say ‘yes’ to all of creation, experience everything as it truly is, and awaken to the very essence of Be-ing?”

©2010 Mark Naea, all rights reserved.

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