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Aloha Andara Crystals

Mark & Linda 

The Andara crystal Experts

"Aloha embodies the deeply held and profound spirituality & wisdom

of over a millennium (1000 years) of Hawaiian history"

Mark Naea

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I recently received this question from a new customer and thought that the answer would be helpful to all who wish a better understanding of what a Monatomic Andara crystal is.

Please tell me are these crystals or glass? Do these exist as they are or are they impregnated with monatomic particles? I haven't been able to discover these answers from your website info. Please help me to understand.

Regards A.G.

So, what are they . . . ?

Monatomic Andara crystals are like an obsidian glass material made up of monatomic metallic elements that were heated to high temperatures either by volcanism, meteor strike or other heat producing phenomena.

Monatomic metallic elements are powder-like in form and transmute to glass under high heat, similar to obsidian. 

It is their foundation of monatomic metallic elements that differentiate them from all other types of crystals, volcanic/natural glass, as well as man-made glass.

Esoteric Matter

Monatomic metallic elements are the esoteric first matter elemental structure of metal of the highest form.

As an inert and powder-like material, they are single atom structures that do not exhibit any metallic matrix, making them very hard to test for.

Standard testing methods fail to register such esoteric matter, which is misunderstood by many.

In soil samples taken from the location where the Andara crystals originated, more than 70 monatomic metallic elements were identified.

Quantum Resonance

Andara crystals are esoteric matter in the form of monatomic materials exhibiting quantum properties at a non-quantum level.

As an esoteric matter, they are considered energy/light as manifest matter of the first order in a quantum state of resonance, that being in this dimension as well as other dimensions at the same time.

Monatomic Andara crystals are heliocentric, unlike glass which is not. They also exhibit color shifts, translocation, transmission of information, time dilation and other esoteric properties.

What about all those colors . . . ?

Monatomic Andara crystals are Allochromatic in the way that color is presented as viewed in light. 

Allochromatic refers to the impurities and trace elements that color gemstones by their presence.

When traces of chromium are present in corundum, you have a red Ruby. If there is titanium present in corundum, you have a blue Sapphire. When the corundum is pure, it is colorless.

Sapphires come in all the colors of the rainbow due to the trace elements that produce each color, all in the same family of corundum.

As mentioned above, more than 70 monatomic metallic elements are present to work from. With such a palette we have the possibility of any color in the rainbow appearing.

Just a One more question . . .

I was then asked by A.G.  . . .

Thank you for a very clear and understandable answer. 
Do the Andara crystal react with or compliment other natural crystals?
Regards A.G.

To which I replied . . .

Aloha A.G.,
Andara crystals can be used to enhance, compliment, and cleanse all other crystals. It also cleanses the environment it is in as a source of  pure white light.
The only restriction Andara crystals have is the limits to your imagination on it's uses.
Blessings & Light

Mark & Linda

To which I received from A.G.  . . .

Thank you so much. I will fill that space with the imaginings of beautiful dreams ones worth recounting and resounding with magnificent love and light.

Many Blessing too

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