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Aloha Andara Crystals

Mark & Linda 

The Andara crystal Experts

"Aloha embodies the deeply held and profound spirituality & wisdom

of over a millennium (1000 years) of Hawaiian history"

Mark Naea

Aloha Everyone,

I was recently asked by a reader of this site the following question:

Dear Mark and Linda,

I have a pink coloured Andara crystal. Is is a monatomic Andara, or maybe an obsidian from Indonesia?

Looking forward to your reply.

John R.

I have had this question before, and feel that the answer would be beneficial to many of my readers. Here is my reply:

Aloha John,

As to your question, that depends on where you purchased your Andara crystal from, what kind of energy is being received from the crystal, how the crystal handles light, has it spoken to you or made its presence known.

Those are the kinds of questions I would ask for on whether or not to qualify this particular crystal as authentic.

The most telling question would be the actual origin of the crystal. Is it from California? If not there, than where. That question alone if answered correctly will give you a 70% confidence rating.

I know of four locations that Andara crystals are found in, two of which are confirmed both scientifically and metaphysically.

If you could send me a photograph that would help,

Thanks for the question.


There are many vendors out there selling so-called Andara crystals, and it can be hard to tell who to trust.  I find that it is always best to go to the source, in this case, Andara crystals from the original find in northern California.

As the author of the original and most comprehensive article on them,  which most websites now quote, I have personally experienced how others have misused this information for profit and gain.

Here is John’s reply:

Hi Mark,

Thank you for responding to my enquiry.  It was a pleasant surprise! I have decided to get a blue Lady Nellie’s Andara crystal, rather than the pink crystal I recently bought.   I know these ones are authentic, without doubt.

Thanks again for replying, Mark.

Kind Regards,
John R

And as to the Andara crystals in the photo above, yes they are Authentic, filled with light and energy, and were sold to a good friend of mine.


©2010 Mark Naea, no reproduction without written consent.

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