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Aloha Andara Crystals

Mark & Linda 

The Andara crystal Experts

"Aloha embodies the deeply held and profound spirituality & wisdom

of over a millennium (1000 years) of Hawaiian history"

Mark Naea

The Lemurian Codex™ Healing Modality


Awakening the I Am

Change is always interesting. A new journey is beginning, and at the same time, this feels like walking an old path. The role of a guide and counselor is emerging from within this form now known broadly as “ῆot mark”. It is a joy and privilege to serve in this capacity, and it’s way is deeply embedded in the consciousness of my be-ing.

Not that this is anything new, as “ῆot mark” has been guiding others along the path for many years now, in a part-time role. God or Source has made it crystal clear that in such a time of great shifts, this calling is to now be fully embraced.

It is in full awareness of ‘I am’, and with a deep trust in God’s Will to to be taking this leap of faith and fully embrace spiritual guidance and counseling as a unified focus. It is in service to that which is, and to all who seek answers.

A paradigm of infinite possibilities has been, and continues to be unveiled. Much of the information revealed has been embodied in a series of courses on new perceptions and horizons. It is an uncharted view to the infinite possibilities within each of us. Having moved through several iterations of revelation, it has chosen to be conveyed as the wisdom of the Highest Service: a Healing Modality.

The newly unveiled Lemurian Codex™ Healing Modality is a new and exciting tool for everyone, especially holistic healers and counselors of all vocations. It will literally take each of us not just to another level, but to several levels beyond in our service.

The Lemurian Code™x Healing Modality is part of the Grand Shift that is happening world wide. It not only assists in the ascension process, but is also a guide and compass pointing the way.

I as “ῆot mark” have been sharing the foundation of this information through courses offered to a handful of trail blazing practitioners, and the results have been miraculous. Those who have completed the basic practitioners course have experienced a new sense of God’s grace in their practice, as well as an increase in client impact.

In undertaking this new role of guide and counselor, the Lemurian Codex™ Healing Modality courses will expand and deepen as the level of exposure widens to embrace those who are ready. This material will change not only how reality is perceived, but also your unique participation within it.

The codices themselves, as light encoded holo-dynamic imagery, work on many levels both seen and unseen. Source continues to evolve these courses to support those on the path, as well as counselors, healers and other holistic caregivers, to better serve their clients as well as themselves. It is this guiding light of “service to others” that shines through, in radiant waves of joy.

In this exciting time of change and illumination, an opportunity is emerging for those who feel guided to support this work to join in and lend a helping hand. Much will be needed as awareness expands and grows. Time volunteered to help, sharing with others who may wish to become involved, and, if possible, offering financial support will be deeply appreciated. Donations of any size are welcome, particularly as this leap of faith engulfs myself and my family as we strive for sustainability.

It is both humbling and inspiring to behold God’s grace, as I embrace the call to serve to its fullest extent. To all who have supported me in the past, heartfelt gratitude is extended for your continued interest and support.

In light, consciousness, and grace, I look forward to new horizons of opportunities to be of service.

Blessings & Light

ῆot mark

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