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Here’s the post on the fourth codec of the Lemurian Codex™ of Awakening. 

Codex ~ Lemurias IV

Please read this entire post before opening the “Codec” below.
The “Manifest Destiny Codec” will open in a separate window.

To use the “Manifest Destiny Codec”, begin by clearing the mind. By that, I mean don’t hold onto any thoughts or mental conversations of expectations or judgments. Let your awareness fall into the image, and not concentrate on any one part.

As you look into the holographic and fractal nature of the imagery, the “Codec” will begin to shift before your eyes. This begins the unfolding process of this “Key and Gateway” into a dynamic multi-dimensional image that resonates and penetrates to your deepest levels.

You will notice that the image keeps shifting, as your focus seems to keep jumping and refocusing. This is normal, and part of the awakening process. In actuality, it is not the image that is shifting, but you.

Once the shifting process begins, relax your focus and let the inherent movement of the holo-dynamic imagery rotate outward from the well of destiny. The hyper spacial geometry and encoded resonant light energizes and brings forth your true being and abilities.

The first codec, “Key of Possibilities”, unlocks your true abilities, while the second codec, “Crystalline Intent”, defines and focuses that intent with crystalline clarity. And in the process, creates a blueprint of light encoded activation for that intent.

The third codec, “Endless Stream”, taps into the inherent energy of our heritage and true being. This codec is a tool that bridges the unseen within the possibilities in and of crystalline intent.

The fourth codec, “Manifest Destiny”, together with the first triad of codices, ~ (tilde – to inscribe from above) one’s intent into the manifest stream of the synergistic scalar plane in the Holo-Dynamic resonant song.

As you continue to work with it, the process will become internalized, as the “Manifest Destiny” codec’s holo-dynamic imagery awakens your inherent ability. More and more of your true abilities manifest themselves. Until all that you truly are is readily available at hand.

Without the awakening of this “Key” within ones true heart, and the principals of “Resonant Scalar Holo-Dyanamic Streaming” it engenders, it will not be possible to awaken to the full extent with the rest of the codices in the “Codex ~ Lemurias”.

With that said, most will need a guide that is already awakened in order to break free of their deeply embedded belief systems. Even without a guide, the codices are very powerful awakening tools.

It is with the guidance of an awakened “I am” that the depth and breadth of the Lemurian Codex becomes fully illuminated.

“I am”, as not mark, have been honored to be that guide to this ancient tool of awakening. It is a privilege to be your guide, but in all actuality I am only the instrument of your true self guiding you home.

Complete info can be found in  The Lemurian Codex™ Webinar.

“Manifest Destiny” – click here to see the codec:

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